Liverpool Road, Methodist Church, Birkdale.
Experience Faith at Liverpool Road Methodist Church
A Welcoming Community for All
Seeking a place of connection, reflection, and spiritual growth? Look no further than Liverpool Road Methodist Church. We offer an inclusive worship experience for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Sunday Mornings
10:45am Worship Service: Join us for a dynamic service led by a variety of ministers and lay preachers. Each service incorporates diverse worship styles and inspiring music.
Junior Church: We nurture the faith of younger minds with engaging activities designed just for them.
Prayer Ministry: Share your joys and concerns. Prayer requests are woven into every service, and individual prayer ministry is available after services and during dedicated healing services.
Sunday Evenings
6:30pm Quiet Reflection: Two services each month offer a contemplative space for prayer, meditation, and soulful music led by our Praise Group.
Second Sunday in the month.
All Age Worship: This interactive service caters to everyone, from children (age 7+) to adults. Young people are encouraged to participate fully, and uniformed groups join us for this special service.
Third Sunday in the month
Holy Communion: Celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion, where all are welcome to share at the Lord’s Table.
Beyond Sundays
Fellowship and Bible Study: Deepen your connection with our community through weekly gatherings for prayer, bible study, and fellowship. Check the calendar for details.
Active Prayer Ministry
Monday Evenings (7:00pm-7:30pm): Share your concerns in our prayer meeting held in the “New Room” before Bible Study.
Tuesday Evenings: (7:30pm-9:00pm) Join the Guild Fellowship gathering for prayer and fellowship.
Thursday Mornings (9:15am-9:45am): Participate in a brief service focused on global concerns, following the Iona liturgy.
Throughout the Year
Ecumenical Services: We connect with our Birkdale partners and fellow Methodist congregations for inspiring joint services.
Monthly Calendar: Stay informed about upcoming services and events with our detailed notice board.
Discover a place where faith comes alive. We invite you to join our welcoming community at Liverpool Road Methodist Church.
Wednesdays 9.30am to 11.30am
The Food Pantry is a weekly food club. Members pay £5 each time they shop and can choose around £20 worth of food and other essentials. Find out more.
6.15.p.m. Brownies
7.00.p.m. Prayer Meeting – ‘New room’
7.45.p.m. Bible Study – ‘New room’
9.15.a.m. Facets ( Classes and groups throughout the day, from Sept to April)
6.15.p.m. Girls’Brigade – Explorers
6.30.p.m. Girls’ Brigade – Juniors and Seniors
7.30.p.m. Wesley Guild
2pm-4pm CAMEO 1st & 3rd Wednesday in the month.
“Come and Meet Each Other”. We have a lively discussion on topical issues, we have entertainment which varies from week to week. This ladies fellowship group who meet on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month. Sometimes in each other’s homes, at other times we enjoy visits for food, but always a welcoming meeting with lots of good chat and laughter.
Contact Joan Farnorth 01704 505 569
9.15.a.m. Iona Worship.
10.45. a.m. Morning Service and Junior Church (creche available)
6.30. p.m. Evening Service.
Worship and study
Youth activities

CAMEO (Come and Meet Each Other)
A lady’s fellowship group meets on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month. Sometimes, we are in each other’s homes; at other times, we enjoy visits for food, but it is always a welcoming meeting with lots of good chat and laughter.